About Us
Healthy Hair, Better Life.
Our Story
We’re Hairgrowthsnatural LLC, African-American hair line located in Maryland, USA. After years of struggling with harmful chemicals that need continuous application and give average results, we collaborated with friends and family to make a line of organic hair products stemming from centuries of cultural practices that work.
To the Hairgrowthsnatural LLC team, true beauty is in the confidence of every raised strut and self-esteem. This is why our line of hair products is carefully made by avoiding harmful ingredients, artificial fragrances, and colorings.
We want to strip the layers of beauty and take us back to its unadulterated, 100% natural glory.
Our mission
Our mission is to make a difference and boost the confidence of all our clients across all genders. We want to increase the popularity and usage of organic natural products that cause no harm to the scalp and make effortless beauty an achievable standard for everyone.
Our difference
We acknowledge the different hair types globally and only make use of premium ingredients like, FLAXSEED, CALENDULA EXTRACT, ROSEMARY OIL, CHEBE POWDER, AMLA OIL and RICE BRAN/VITAMINE E to ensure that our clients see visible results because these ingredients prevent premature greyness. We focus on every part of the hair from the roots and scalp to provide nourishment that supports healthy hair growth.
Let’s hair you out!